Cardigan Welsh Corgi

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Low set with moderately heavy bone and deep chest. Overall silhouette long in proportion to height, culminating in a low tail set and fox-like brush. General Impression-A handsome, powerful, small dog, capable of both speed and endurance, intelligent, sturdily built but not coarse. Overall balance is more important than absolute size. Dogs and bitches should be from 10.5 to 12.5 inches at the withers when standing naturally. The ideal length/height ratio is 1.8:1 when measuring from the point of the breast bone (prosternum) to the rear of the hip (ischial tuberosity) and measuring from the ground to the point of the withers. Ideally, dogs should be from 30 to 38 pounds; bitches from 25 to 34 pounds. Lack of overall balance, oversized or undersized are serious faults. bpawline.gif (1140 bytes)

Breeders are listed in alphabetical order by state

Yasashiikumacorgi.jpt.JPG (18135 bytes)
Yasashiikuma Reg'd
Brampton, Ontario Canada
Shelley Camm E-mail camms@wwonline

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